Cash refunds for personal injury claims

Check My Legal Fees

Recover overpaid claim fees

Personal injury claims cover a broad spectrum of compensation amounts. Whether your settlement is several thousand pounds or even hundreds of thousands, you may have been overcharged for solicitor's services. Our expert team has the knowledge to review your personal injury claim fees and ensure you receive every penny that you are entitled to for your particular case. As the leading consumer champions in this sector, we deliver results for clients like you every day. Here's how it works:
How it works
Fill out our "check my legal fees" form
Find out if you might be owed money
Accept our transparent conditions of service and receive your money if we win your case

Case study

Miss Foster of Macclesfield approached our team when Amanda Cunliffe Solicitors deducted a total of £1254.56 from her final compensation figure. On reviewing the 'success fee' charged for her accident, we uncovered an unfair payment concerning the compensation given. Following negotiation, we provided Miss Foster with a refund of £749.75, ensuring she received the maximum amount of her compensation with no unlawful fees attached or additional costs applied.


How much of a refund can I get?
The amount you can receive as a refund will depend on how much your solicitors overcharged for their services. Our average refund for personal injury is £750.
