Check My Legal Fees News

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Our success stories in relation to reductions or refunds of success fees in personal injury and clinical negligence cases

Court of Appeal refuses Slater and Gordon's application for permission to appeal

Court of Appeal refusal finally settles three important technical points in claims against solicitors for scrutiny of legal fees

Last month we reported on the victory for our growing group of clients against Slater and Gordon in two appeals before the High Court. ...

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  3325 Hits

CMLF success against Slater and Gordon UK Limited : a major victory in the campaign for fair legal fees

A major victory against a very substantial opponent - well done team! are pleased to announce that Judgment has been handed down at 10.00 this morning by Mr.Justice Ritchie in two conjoined appeal ca...

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  5618 Hits

£27,000 Legal Fees Refund inspires House Renovation

I wasn't sure at first but after reading the reviews I felt positive this company wasn't a scam. I would like to give a massive thank you to Ben Winte...

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  1377 Hits

Former Client of Wigan PI Firm PDW Legal Limited (trading as Williams & CO) obtains £7,000 legal fee refund

Mr.W. received a refund of £7,000

Absolutely delighted with the team, I didn't fully understand what the team could do to get me some of my legal fees back but they are the experts in ...

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  1741 Hits

Full legal fees refund for former client of National Accident Law Limited

A refund of over £4,000

"Fantastic work by the team at Checkmylegalfees, who secured for me a full refund of the legal fees deducted from my compensation. The team were profe...

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  2555 Hits