Check My Legal Fees News
McGrane v Russell Worth Limited - £1,400 refund for former client of Plymouth Personal Injury Firm
I'm very satisfied with the service that I received from Now that I have obtained my refund I have promised my children that we will be using it towards our holiday in Florida in 2022
Mr.McGane, upon receiving payment of his refund 08/02/21
A former Client of Personal Injury firm Russell Worth Limited has secured a £1400.00 refund in legal fees after seeking assessment of his fees via Solicitors Act 1974.
Mr McGrane was involved in an injury at work on 29th January 2019 where he suffered injuries as a result of a fellow employee messing around with a stanley knife.
Mr McGrane sought the assistance of Plymouth firm Russell Worth Solicitors to represent him in obtaining compensation, Russell Worth submitted a claim via the MOJ Portal on behalf of Mr McGrane in February 2019.
Mr McGrane was successful in obtaining compensation for his injuries and was awarded £5800.00. After deductions from his former Solicitor Mr McGrane says he received a final payment for £3986.00.
Mc McGrane instructed in March 2020 to assist him in reviewing the deductions made by his former Solicitor. We first wrote to Russell Worth on behalf of McGrane seeking the papers that belong to him, before ultimately requesting delivery of a statute bill which would allow Mr McGrane to seek assessment if so advised.
Upon receiving the bill from Russell Worth McGrane submitted an offer to receive a refund of £2030, however later submitted a further offer to receive a refund of £1450.00.
Russell Worth Solicitors never officially responded to either offer and therefore, in order to protect Mr McGrane's automatic right to seek assessment under s70(1) Solicitors Act 1974, an application for assessment was made to the Court.
Immediately before a directions hearing was scheduled to take place, we received an offer from Russell Worth to refund our Client £1400.00 in full and final settlement of the matter.
This offer was accepted by Mr McGrane, and his legal costs of pursuing the matter have also been obtained separately from Russell Worth.