Check My Legal Fees News

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Double Refund of Success Fees for Former Clients of Lyons Davidson Solicitors

We have secured a total of £6,350.00 in refunds for two former Clients of Bristol based personal injury firm, Lyons Davidson Solicitors. We represente...

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  2382 Hits

McGrane v Russell Worth Limited - £1,400 refund for former client of Plymouth Personal Injury Firm

Refund used towards a Florida holiday

I'm very satisfied with the service that I received from Now that I have obtained my refund I have promised my children that we ...

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  1812 Hits

Mr.B v Oakwood Solicitors Limited : refund of more than £4,000

Too much was deducted from compensation following a stress at work claim

This is an important decision as it shows that the concept of fiduciary duty in the context of legal fees is being more fully recognised. It is the fi...

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  3046 Hits

Denise Hanshaw v National Law Partners Ltd - refund of £600

"Thank you so much, Christmas will be a bit brighter this year."

A former Client of Liverpool based National Law Partners has been refunded £600.00 in respect of the success fee deducted from her compensation. Denis...

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  2177 Hits

Christopher Shenton v Harris Fowler Solicitors : Former client recoups £1,300.00

Refund of success legal fee deductions following accident at work claim

A former Client of Somerset based Harris Fowler Solicitors has been returned £1300.00 after his former Solicitors miscalculated the amount they should...

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  3500 Hits