Check My Legal Fees News

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Solicitor prevented from charging for his time spent as an executor because of absence of an express charging clause under a will.

Article by our Jack Beckett Brealey v Shepherd & Co Solicitors [2024] EWCA Civ 303 (26 March 2024) Background to the Appeal This case was a second...

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Updated guidance from the Legal Ombudsman as to its approach to complaints about legal fees

How the Legal Ombudsman approaches fees complaints

One of the major areas for complaint is overall service cost. We don't do detailed cost analysis, but if a complainant wants a detailed forensic bill ...

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  3393 Hits

A lovely testimonial from Mr & Mrs.Lane following resolution of a legal expenses insurance dispute

A big thumbs up from our clients

We used when we were in dispute with our Solicitors over their fees. This had been an ongoing dispute between our Solicitor and o...

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What to do when a solicitor sues you for unpaid fees

Have you been sued by a solicitor for unpaid legal fees?

Kerry-Anne Moore, Costs Lawyer and Director at Ltd sets out some key dos and don'ts for litigants in person faced with the d...

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New Guidance from the Legal Ombudsman on "Good Costs Service"

Solicitors should be

The Legal Ombudsman has published the 2nd edition of its guidance to solicitors on how they should go about providing information about legal fee...

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  3744 Hits