Check My Legal Fees News

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Fixed Costs in RTA Cases

The costs that your solicitors receive from your opponent

If you had a road traffic accident claim after April 2013 the costs that were  be paid to your solicitors by your opponents were "...

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Allan Grubb -v- Lance Mason Limited : refund of £591.25 following restriction of base costs to the fixed costs recovered from the opposing party

Base costs charged to client limited to those recovered from the opposing party

We are pleased to be able to report on the outcome of this case, which was dealt with on the papers in the High Court in Sheffield on 30th October 201...

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Paul Markley -v- Lance Mason Limited : Court applies s.74(3) Solicitors Act to restrict base costs to fixed costs recovered from the opponent

Base costs payable by client limited to fixed costs recovered

We are pleased to now be able to report on this case, which was heard in the High Court in Sheffield on 20th December 2018. Mr.Markley instructed Lanc...

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  3564 Hits