Check My Legal Fees News

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The Legal Ombudsman - 14 month delays

Consumers are currently being told they may have to wait 14 months to have their complaints simply opened let alone investigated

The Legal Ombudsman scheme was set up under The Legal Services Act 2007 to regulate the legal sector and to investigate complaints from consumers. Unf...

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Updated guidance from the Legal Ombudsman as to its approach to complaints about legal fees

How the Legal Ombudsman approaches fees complaints

One of the major areas for complaint is overall service cost. We don't do detailed cost analysis, but if a complainant wants a detailed forensic bill ...

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New Guidance from the Legal Ombudsman on "Good Costs Service"

Solicitors should be

The Legal Ombudsman has published the 2nd edition of its guidance to solicitors on how they should go about providing information about legal fee...

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