Check My Legal Fees News

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Links to articles in which we have appeared in the legal and mainstream press

The Law Society Gazette reports on our ongoing test cases against Slater and Gordon

CMLF cases reported again in the legal press

See how the  Law Society Gazette reported on appeals last week in our ongoing test cases against Slater and Gordon. Day 1  Slater and G...

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Legal Futures reports on our victory against Slater and Gordon

The Court has ordered Slater and Gordon to disclose recordings of "sign up" telephone calls

Slater & Gordon fails in "full frontal" court attack on Checkmylegalfees - Legal Futures Slater & Gordon has failed in what a costs judge call...

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The Law Society Gazette reports on our victory against Slater and Gordon

The court has ordered disclosure of any recordings of "sign up" telephone calls

Court rejects Slater and Gordon bid to end costs recovery cases | News | Law Gazette Judge also orders standard disclosure in major victory for lawyer...

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See us in Today's Sun Newspaper!

Landmark case paves way for Brits ripped off by greedy ’no win, no fee’ lawyers Read all about our case here, then check to see if you might be entitl...

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Our Success Fee Appeal Victory in the National Press

See us in the Mail Online

 Our important appeal victory that stops solicitors abusing the "no win, no fee" system to take excessive fees from clients in accident clai...

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