Slater & Gordon fails in "full frontal" court attack on Checkmylegalfees - Legal Futures Slater & Gordon has failed in what a costs judge call...
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Court rejects Slater and Gordon bid to end costs recovery cases | News | Law Gazette Judge also orders standard disclosure in major victory for lawyer...
1690 Hits
This is the latest decision in the group of cases brought by in the Senior Courts Costs Office under s.70 Solicitors Act 1974 for...
2796 Hits
Absolutely delighted with the team, I didn't fully understand what the team could do to get me some of my legal fees back but they are the experts in ...
1994 Hits
Here at we don't only deal with success fee refund cases but a wide range of legal fee disputes. Under s71 solicitors act 1974&nb...
1660 Hits