Yet more confirmation that insisting on receipt of a properly detailed bill at the time that monies are deducted, and then having it properly scrutini...
3885 Hits
Yet more confirmation that insisting on receipt of a properly detailed bill at the time that monies are deducted, and then having it properly scrutini...
Wouldn't normally report on this as I don't want to give the impression (which some of our competitors do) that all lawyers overcharge. That is not wh...
Manjit Gill -v- Lexton Law Solicitors Mr.Gill had instructed Lexton Law, a firm of solicitors in Coventry, in relation to some litigation in which he ...
doc File Name: Rahimian-v-Allan-Janes---final-judgment---4.8.16.doc File Size: 64 kb Download File In a decision handed down today in the Senior Cour...
Link shared on Monday, 01 August 2016 12:31