Check My Legal Fees News

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How do I know if I have been overcharged for a success fee in a Road Traffic Accident case?

10 signs that you may have been overcharged

Here are the 10 signs that you should look out for - if you tick one or more of these you may have been overcharged and may be entitled to a refu...

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  4942 Hits

Updated guidance from the Legal Ombudsman as to its approach to complaints about legal fees

How the Legal Ombudsman approaches fees complaints

One of the major areas for complaint is overall service cost. We don't do detailed cost analysis, but if a complainant wants a detailed forensic bill ...

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  3392 Hits

Involved in a personal injury case? Be wary of your solicitor trying to amend the terms of your "No win, no fee" agreement

An amendment to the terms may cost you more than £500

Following a recent decision by the Court of Appeal, your solicitor may try to clarify or even amend the terms of your "no win, no fee" agreement. They...

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  2946 Hits

What to do when you sign up to a “no win, no fee agreement” in a personal injury case

Is your no win no fee agreement a bad one?

If you have any concerns about your "no win, no fee" agreement, just email a copy of it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will let you have our advi...

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  17870 Hits

New Guidance from the Legal Ombudsman on "Good Costs Service"

Solicitors should be

The Legal Ombudsman has published the 2nd edition of its guidance to solicitors on how they should go about providing information about legal fee...

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  3743 Hits