Check My Legal Fees News
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July 2020 round up
See some of our success stories for last month. If you think you might have been overcharged by way of a success fee following an accident claim, just click here to start your claim.
If you are concerned that you've been overcharged following any other kind of legal case, just go to our home page and click on one of the other categories.

Davison v Cordell & Co : refund of £2,250 legal fees deducted from client's compensation
The team from Checkmylegalfees were excellent from the start. Always in contact to let me know how my case was progressing, and very profess... 
Miss A -v- Hampson Hughes Solicitors : legal fees refund of £633.60 following a road traffic accident claim
Miss A instructed on 30th June 2020 regarding the possibility she had been overcharged by Hampson Hughes Solicitors after a succe... 
Ben Knight -v- Jigsaw Law Limited : £510 refund of legal fees in under a month
Mr Knight instructed us on 7th June to check the legal fees deducted from his compensation after a successful road traffic accident claim pursued via ... 
Jonathan Harrison -v- Your Law LLP : refund of £702.00 in legal fees deducted from his compensation following an accident at work
The more documents from your former solicitors you are able to give us at the outset, the quicker we are able to deal with your claim - the fact that ... 
Louise Cawley -v- Lance Mason Solicitors : refund of £517.00 in legal fees following a road traffic accident claim
Miss Cawley instructed us on 24th March 2020 after having £625.00 deducted from her compensation in respect of legal fees following her successful roa... 
Lea Keen -v- Amanda Cunliffe Solicitors : refund of fees of £1,325 following a road traffic accident claim
Miss Keen instructed on 29th February 2020 to check the deductions in her successful Road Traffic Accident claim pursued through&... Comment for this post has been locked by admin.